Rally Obedience
This class teaches how dog and handler teams navigate a course with numbered signs indicating different exercises to perform such as Sit-Down-Sit, Straight Figure 8, Send Over Jump, Recall Over Jump. Teams navigate the course at a brisk, continuous performance without direction from the judge. Handlers are encouraged to talk to their dogs during the performance. This class is taught by dog trainer, exhibitor and breeder Karen Jacobs and meets ongoing throughout the year.
Basic Obedience/ Sub-Novice Obedience
This class teachers basic obedience and is designed for people who want to get there dogs to behave and socialized. As well as, people who desire to show in Sub- Novice Obedience. The course goals are to teach:
Sit stay
Down stay
Come When Called
Walk on a leash/ heal
And be respectful with both other people and dogs.
This class meets year around on Monday evenings and is taught by dog trainer of 25 years, exhibitor and breeder Lorrie Raymond.
This class is designed as a building block form the Sub- Novice class. Its goal is to get ready for the show ring. This class meets year around on Tuesdays evening and is taught by dog trainer for over 25 years, exhibitor and breeder Lorrie Raymond.
This class is designed to get handlers and their dogs ready to show in conformation. This class meets year around and is taught by many dog trainers who have exhibited in conformation for years.
Private Lessons
Lessons taught meet individual needs of clients and their dogs.
Call for more information.
Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog Certification